速報APP / 通訊 / TrackMySchool - App for School Staff

TrackMySchool - App for School Staff





版本需求:Android 5.0 以上版本




TrackMySchool - App for School Staff(圖1)-速報App

TMS is a next-generation Integrated School Management Mobile Application to ensure that a child's school life is SAFE & SMART.

Comprehensive GPS system ensures child’s safety and timely transit to school and back, whereas Class Connect feature allows the students, teachers and parents interact seamlessly.

Benefits for Schools

• Ensure student safety while pick up/drop off

• Manage emergency situations such as breakdowns easily

TrackMySchool - App for School Staff(圖2)-速報App

• Get real-time alerts on bus movement and student transit with pin-point accuracy

• Ensure seamless interaction between students, teachers and parents

• Manage academic operations digitally

• School administration and management activities made simple and productive

Benefits for Teachers

TrackMySchool - App for School Staff(圖3)-速報App

• Real time sharing of class notes and home works to a chosen class, group or a single student

• Receive acknowledgement from parents

• Removes communication gap between parents and teachers

• Find transport information of any student quickly

• Easy access to school circulars, time table and leave requests

TrackMySchool - App for School Staff(圖4)-速報App

• Enables teachers to stay organized easily

For more information, please visit http://trackmyschool.info/

TrackMySchool - App for School Staff(圖5)-速報App